Healthy Needs

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Nutri-Health Supplements - Sleep Wave


Friday, September 21, 2012

Digestive Science - Reflux Elimination System

Acid Reflux and Tips to Reduce Symptoms

Acid reflux is a disorder in which stomach acid escapes through the Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES). That's a valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus. The problem is, stomach acid is supposed to stay in the stomach. When it enters the esophagus, acid reflux occurs, with symptoms including:

  • pain and burning in the chest
  • heartburn and nausea
  • burping and hiccups
  • hoarseness
  • chronic sore throat

Another symptom of acid reflux is regurgitation - that foul taste in your mouth when you "mini-vomit" in your mouth after a meal.

Acid reflux is a common and persistent problem, particularly with the popularity of fast- food and the nutritional gaps in the average American diet.

Fortunately, you can treat acid reflux with Digestive Science Reflux Elimination System. More on that shortly. First, let's learn more about acid reflux and how you can reduce your symptoms.

More About Acid Reflux

While it's common to experience sporadic symptoms of acid reflux, if symptoms occur more than twice a week, you have acid reflux disease. Risk factors include obesity, pregnancy, smoking, eating large meals, and lying down after meals.

In addition, acid reflux can occur from a lack of digestive enzymes. In this scenario, the stomach produces more acid to compensate. Then food digests slower, and symptoms of acid reflux can occur. The culprit? There are many, but age, poor diet, stress and antibiotics can all reduce the digestive enzymes required to balance the stomach acid responsible for reflux.

The problem is exasperated by the popularity of antacids, which make life even more difficult for your already minimal digestive enzymes. While they might bring temporary relief, antacids alter the pH of your stomach and are not suitable for long-term use.

How You Can Reduce Acid Reflux

Chew gum - Chewing gum may relieve heartburn and reflux. The reason? Saliva neutralizes stomach acid. Just avoid peppermint gum, which can aggravate heartburn, and skip gum if it makes you swallow air, which can cause belching and bloating.

Slim down - Extra pounds around the midsection can make heartburn worse and trigger reflux symptoms. Shed just two pounds and you can ease both.

Eat smaller meals - Large meals stack on excess weight and can cause the digestive problems you want to avoid (that's you, reflux!). Eat smaller meals, and eat them more frequently, to reduce strain on your digestive system and for less reflux and heartburn.

Avoid trigger foods - Some foods are notorious for causing gas and acid reflux, including beans, soda and fatty foods like soda and cheese. Other common reflux trigger foods include citrus fruits, tomatoes, coffee and tea.

Ditch the cigarettes - Among several million reasons why you shouldn't smoke, this nasty habit loosens the LES valve, through which stomach acid enters the esophagus and you know what comes next.

Keep a journal -Digestion problems can be unique to each patient. What causes reflux in one patient may do nothing to another. You can reduce this problem by keeping a journal of your reflux symptoms, regarding trigger foods, meal size, time of day and other factors that cause your symptoms.

How Digestive Science Reflux Elimination System Can Help

Digestive Science Reflux Elimination System is scientifically formulated to stimulate production of digestive enzymes, to reduce excess stomach acid and bring relief from reflux symptoms. As such, view it as a treatment for this common problem rather than a temporary "band-aid" solution.

Digestive Science Reflux Elimination System nurtures the digestive system with ingredients that soothe and calm. And its Acid Control Formula is designed with a dual action formulation, to protect the esophagus from the burning of acid that's supposed to stay in the stomach and to reduce the excess acid that's causing the problems.

You'll also find that Reflux Elimination System is suitable for long-term use, with the Daily Digestion Support fiber and nutrient supplement to ensure ongoing health in your gastrointestinal tract and to keep reflux away.

In short, Digestive Science Reflux Elimination System treats the causes of acid reflux and brings relief from the pain and discomfort of this common problem. We think it will make a difference in your life.

Free Trial - ProShapeRX

Cleanse the Body, Curb Unhealthy Cravings, and Lose Weight with ProShape Rx

Succumbing to cravings while you are trying to lose weight is one of the hardest deterrents to keeping to your weight loss goals. You wake up every morning with all very good intentions that today will be the day that you really stick to your diet, but sometimes even by mid morning, all those intentions have gone completely out the window. If it is not because your much slimmer office mate has decided to bring in your favorite donuts, it's because you skipped breakfast because you were running late and by ten am, you are famished.

Sticking to a rigid routine of what to eat when can be really tough. And sometimes even that alone can mean the demise of your diet plans even before you can get started and before you can see results. It takes planning and preparation and in your busy life sometimes there is just not enough time in the day to plan your daily meals and to get you on the right track. Eating healthy is important, but sometimes your cravings kick in and it is just too difficult to avoid eating the wrong foods when you are just hungry.

Reducing cravings and staving off hungry pangs are just two of the positive side effects that will help you lose weight quickly and effectively. And luckily for you the team of doctors and researchers who have devised the ProShape RX weight loss system have figured out to combat those and several other deterrents to losing weight. This product that consists of 100% natural ingredients not only will help you to say no to those sugary donuts, but within as early as seven days you will already start to see a difference in how your clothes fit and how you feel overall.

The ingredients found in ProShapeRX include several natural herbs such as Hoodia Gordonii, which is a now famous plant that has been discovered in northern Africa. This plant has been used by tribesmen who needed to suppress their appetites on long hunting trips. The Hoodia Gordonii is just one of the natural ingredients that are included in the ProShapeRX system to help you control your appetite and lose weight naturally and effectively.

Other ingredients will also help reduce your appetite and help you stay on track. This weight loss pill is taken three times a day with your meals and will help you to avoid sugary snacks and you will lose the temptation to constantly cheat because you will no longer feel those hunger pangs that are so often detrimental to sticking to your weight lose goals. And once you start to lose the weight, it becomes a more healthy cycle of then an increase in your willpower, which will in turn encourage you to keep on the right track and continue to lose weight. But it can be a tough thing to start, so by taking the ProShapeRX supplement three times a day, you get the kick start you need and you are guaranteed to see results.

For more information, go to

Cleanse the Body, Curb Unhealthy Cravings, and Lose Weight with ProShape Rx

Succumbing to cravings while you are trying to lose weight is one of the hardest deterrents to keeping to your weight loss goals. You wake up every morning with all very good intentions that today will be the day that you really stick to your diet, but sometimes even by mid morning, all those intentions have gone completely out the window. If it is not because your much slimmer office mate has decided to bring in your favorite donuts, it's because you skipped breakfast because you were running late and by ten am, you are famished.

Sticking to a rigid routine of what to eat when can be really tough. And sometimes even that alone can mean the demise of your diet plans even before you can get started and before you can see results. It takes planning and preparation and in your busy life sometimes there is just not enough time in the day to plan your daily meals and to get you on the right track. Eating healthy is important, but sometimes your cravings kick in and it is just too difficult to avoid eating the wrong foods when you are just hungry.

Reducing cravings and staving off hungry pangs are just two of the positive side effects that will help you lose weight quickly and effectively. And luckily for you the team of doctors and researchers who have devised the ProShape RX weight loss system have figured out to combat those and several other deterrents to losing weight. This product that consists of 100% natural ingredients not only will help you to say no to those sugary donuts, but within as early as seven days you will already start to see a difference in how your clothes fit and how you feel overall.

The ingredients found in ProShapeRX include several natural herbs such as Hoodia Gordonii, which is a now famous plant that has been discovered in northern Africa. This plant has been used by tribesmen who needed to suppress their appetites on long hunting trips. The Hoodia Gordonii is just one of the natural ingredients that are included in the ProShapeRX system to help you control your appetite and lose weight naturally and effectively.

Other ingredients will also help reduce your appetite and help you stay on track. This weight loss pill is taken three times a day with your meals and will help you to avoid sugary snacks and you will lose the temptation to constantly cheat because you will no longer feel those hunger pangs that are so often detrimental to sticking to your weight lose goals. And once you start to lose the weight, it becomes a more healthy cycle of then an increase in your willpower, which will in turn encourage you to keep on the right track and continue to lose weight. But it can be a tough thing to start, so by taking the ProShapeRX supplement three times a day, you get the kick start you need and you are guaranteed to see results.

For more information, go to