James "Bonecrusher" Smith - World Heavyweight Champion
"I spent 18 years dishing out pain in the boxing ring now I am trying to help people get out of pain. "Bonecrusher" stated that, "After 18 years of running miles and miles every day to stay in shape my knees were so bad I could hardly stand, a friend shared REAL TIME PAIN RELIEF with me and when I rubbed it on … the pain was gone and within a couple of days much of my range of motion was restored and I was able to walk pain free for the first time in years. I am thrilled to lend my name and time to promote such a life changing product."
James "Bonecrusher" Smith, won the WBA Heavyweight Championship Belt in 1986 when he knocked out "Terrible" Tim Witherspoon in the first round at Madison Square Garden in New York.
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